September 30, 2010

Day Sixty-One

We rented a couple movies tonight to watch them. We rented Iron Man 2 and Couples Retreat. We actually watched Iron Man 2 because it is due back tomorrow.
And this is how close Alex wanted to sit and watch the movie. Hahaha!

And this was dinner :)

You all are probably wondering why I am taking pictures of dinner every night. Well I don't really know how to cook. So for me to make dinner every night this week, its a very special thing for me! And I wanted to document it!!!!

September 29, 2010

Day Sixty

I did lots of cleaning today and couldn't have done it without my rocking music! Thanks to my hubby who showed me how to hook it up the the surround sound!

I also made this fun picture!

Its of some very good Internet friends! The bears part of it is that our nicknames are Jen-Bear, Alicia-Bear, and Hannah-Bear! And this is what we had for dinner :)

Crescent rolls and spaghetti-type baked casserole (meatballs, pasta, marinara sauce, and grated cheese!)

September 28, 2010

Day Fifty-Nine

I brought my sewing machine (my Grandma gave it to me. Its very old.) upstairs today and started on a pair of mittens for my good friend Alicia! I will be sending them to her when they are done :) Here is a picture of my work station; complete with my iPod and phone!

And this is what I made for dinner tonight!

For being from a box, it was really good!

September 27, 2010

Day Fifty-Eight

This is what I made for dinner! I took the picture with my phone, so its not the best.

I know it looks weird, but it tasted awesome!!! All I did was fry hamburger and add taco seasoning. Then I put tortillas in a casserole dish, added the hamburger, and put baked beans on the top! I covered it and put it in the oven and baked it for about 20 minutes on 250 degrees. After the 20 minutes, I stirred up the beans and hamburger and it was done! Alex and I both agree it would be a perfect dish for football games! Just need chips and it can be a great dip :) Hahaha!!

September 26, 2010

Day Fifty-Seven

Bathroom remodel!!!!!!! We are tearin'er down and building it back up!

September 25, 2010

Day Fifty-Six

We had a fun day today running around town by the river and taking lots of pictures. I have to say this is my favorite :)

I dont look the best, but oh well!

September 24, 2010

Day Fifty-Five

Crazy flooding in our town again this year!!!

Notice the pink flag. That's how high its already risen today!

And its only going to get worse! Its supposed to rise five more feet!

The sign in the above picture is the same as the one in the picture below. Thats how much the water rose in a day!


September 23, 2010

Day Fifty-Four

Today's pictures are of the birthday cards I got!!! :D I can't believe that I am 21!!!!!

The first two are the ones my parents gave me and the last one on the right is one that Alex's cousin Luke and my little sister gave me :)

That's the insides of the cards. Hahaha!!

September 22, 2010

Day Fifty-Three

I went over to my old school to drop a book back off that Alex had borrowed. On the way back this hawk was sitting on the power lines so I had to pull over and take a picture of him!

Then he flew away. Haha!!

And this is Alex in a dumptruck as he drove by today! He was all excited because normally he drives cement truck, but they put him in that for today!

September 21, 2010

Day Fifty-Two

So I went with today's theme, which was something out of place :)

The reason my plant is up on the chair is because otherwise, my dogs like to chew on the leaves!

September 20, 2010

Day Fifty-One

We went to visit one of Alex's old school teachers and he told me about this type of contact lens cleaning system. And then went into his bathroom and gave me a case and a bottle of the cleaner! He is so awesome!!!!

September 19, 2010

Day Fifty

I got this pretty picture out of our hotel room window this morning!!! :)

September 18, 2010

Day Forty-Nine

I was up super early to head to Milwaukee and so I got this pretty picture of the sunrise and I had to share it!!

September 17, 2010

Day Forty-Eight

Ok, so I was being a creeper earlier and I took a picture of this wedding setup that I though was pretty at a local park! Hahaha!!!

September 16, 2010

Day Forty-Seven

This picture is so funny!!!!

Harvey looks like he is HUGE!

September 15, 2010

Day Forty-Six

We had an amazing storm! It was pouring rain and you could barely see!!!

The white on the right bottom of the windshield is from how much water was on the road! The tires were splashing it up in front of the headlight!!!!

September 14, 2010

Day Forty-Five

Just went and bought some light reading material! I mean, it only has 728 pages ;)
Oh, and it weighs like 20 lbs!!!!

September 13, 2010

Day Forty-Four

Well I got this awesome bookmark from my wonderful mother-in-law, so thats what my picture of the day is!

September 12, 2010

Day Forty-Three

Today was such a fun day!!!! We went over to a friend's house and the boys played paintball and the girls just sat and watched.

It was a brutal battle! These boys take the game seriously!

September 11, 2010

Day Forty-Two

Its not the greatest picture, but oh well!

Alex and I went driving for a little bit and we stopped because there was a deer on the side of the road. Well, it ran across before I could get my camera out, then another came by and started to run across, I barely got him in the shot! Hahaha!

Oh, and I had to add this funny picture of Alex being a goof!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 10, 2010

Day Forty-One

I found this awesome spot on a hill and took this picture of downtown Eau Claire :)

September 9, 2010

Day Forty

This is the dresser that I got for upstairs! We finally got it up there tonight!

September 8, 2010

Day Thirty-Nine

Gotta show some respect for the yummy DQ Snickers Blizzard I shared with Alex!!!!!

September 7, 2010

Day Thirty-Eight

Another day devoted to pet love :)

Its his favorite spot to sit!!!

September 6, 2010

Day Thirty-Seven

Today was a calm relaxing type of day. We slept in late since we got home last night late. Then we went up to visit Luke and see his shop. My picture today is of his dog Bosco.

He is so adorable!!

September 5, 2010

Day Thirty-Six

I took SOOOO many great pictures up in Ashland and Bayfield that I have no idea which to use! So I will post a few of my favorite pictures!!

This is the hotel we stayed at in Ashland.

Some of the sail boats at a dock in Bayfield.

One of the "sea caves" on Lake Superior. This one is about one hundred feet high, and about thirty feet wide. We could have driven the boat back in there, but decided it probably wasn't the best of ideas.

This is the Sand Island Lighthouse. It was so beautiful and very cool! I love historic light houses!!!