August 14, 2010

Day Fourteen

There was a chalk drawing competition today in town. We went down there tonight after going to see a movie, but sadly it started raining so I only got a picture of a few of them before the rain completely consumed everything. Here are a few of my favorites!

It says, "Art is a way of showing the outside world what your inside world is like."

Thanks for reading!


  1. How wicked are they! I wish they did stuff like that around here, so cool.

  2. It was actually the first time that I have gone down there! They do it every year, but we just never took the time to walk and see some of them :) Mayeb you should contact someone about it and see if they can try something like that! They actually have people vote on which they like best and they get trophies and everything!

  3. Yeah I know Sammie! I was surprised and there were some really great ones I wish we would have seen before the rain!!!
